Communication with our members is paramount to our league. We are always trying to improve our methods. Please note that the league is completely run by volunteers and thereby the office is not always staffed to answer your calls. You can always call our office at 212-942-0834 and leave a message and someone will return your call withing 24 hours, or you can email us at
However, the best way to stay up-to-date with our announcements is to follow or sign up for the services below:
- Website –
- Facebook –
- Instagram –
- Emails – sign up here to get on the email list
- Text Messages via the Remind app (this is the best method – see instructions to join below)
To receive text messages from the league, please do the following:
Send a text message to 81010, and enter the code (@xyz…) below for your division.
- Girls Softball – @46cbe6
- Rookies – @20inwrook
- SuperStars – @20inwss
- Farms – @20inwfarms
- Minors – @20inwmin
- Majors – @20inwmaj
- Seniors – @20inwsen
- Managers & Coaches – @20inwcoa
If that doesn’t work, go to you can go to and enter the class code, or download the REMIND app to your phone and enter the class code.